
When Do I Need to Use Synthetic Oil?

You need to use synthetic motor oil if your vehicle manufacturer recommends it and when the weather is freezing or below zero. Oxford Automotive advises that some vehicle manufacturers recommend synthetic oil only for their engines. One such manufacturer is BMW. Our winters can also get very cold here in Oxford, Pennsylvania, and synthetic motor oil stands up to freezing temperatures better. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use conventional. Let’s talk about the different oil types below so you can determine the one that is best for your car, truck, or utility vehicle.


Unless your vehicle’s manufacturer specifies otherwise, you really can’t go wrong with conventional motor oil. This motor oil is over a century old, so it has been proven throughout the decades to be safe and reliable for vehicle engines. This oil is the least expensive option on this list and does an excellent job of protecting your vehicle’s engine provided it is changed frequently.


High-mileage motor oil is conventional oil with additives designed to help prevent oil leaks. Engines that have 75,000 miles or more on them are extremely susceptible to developing oil leaks. This is due to the age and wear and tear of the seals and gaskets. High-mileage motor oil helps protect the seals and gaskets so they don’t spring the leak. Consider high-mileage motor oil if you drive an older automobile.


As we mentioned above, you may need to use synthetic motor oil in the engine if this is what your vehicle manufacturer recommends. It’s also a good idea, as mentioned above, to use synthetic during the coldest part of winter. This motor oil is designed to remain viscous longer and has additives to help it protect high-performance engines better. This doesn’t mean that your standard engine can’t benefit from synthetic; it can. Synthetic motor oil works well in all automobile engines.

Synthetic Blend

If you don’t feel like going with a full synthetic motor oil, you have the option of choosing a synthetic blend that is a combination of synthetic and conventional oil. This allows you to reap the benefits of synthetic oil without having to pay the full price for it. This oil also works well in any engine except high-performance engines that require full synthetic motor oil in them.

Oxford Automotive in Oxford, PA, would be happy to help you determine the best motor oil for your car, truck, or C/SUV. Make sure to stop by our shop for your next oil change.

Photo by arturmarciniecphotos via Canva Pro

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