Oxford Automotive advises that if your engine is sputtering and you smell exhaust, you may have a cracked exhaust manifold in the exhaust system. If the manifold isn’t cracked, the gasket that seals it could be. Do not worry. We are the best auto shop in Oxford, and we can replace the manifold or its gasket to restore your engine’s performance and reduce the exhaust odor.
Performance Problems
The reason why your engine will start to have performance problems when the exhaust manifold is cracked is that exhaust gases flow out of the manifold and fill the engine. Consequently, they interfere with the combustion production going on inside the combustion chamber. This will cause your engine to sputter and perform poorly.
Reduction in Gas Mileage
We wish we could say that is the only problem you will have, but, unfortunately, we can’t. The poor engine performance is going to directly affect your gas mileage. Unfortunately, it won’t boost it. Rather, you will see a reduction in the gas mileage and find yourself filling the tank more often.
Noticeable Burning Odors
Another problem that occurs when the engine fills with exhaust gases is noticeable burning odors in the engine. As you can imagine, the exhaust that is leaking out of the manifold or its gasket is extremely hot. Consequently, it will heat up the metal parts and could melt the rubber and plastic parts. You will smell strong odors in the engine and the engine will overheat.
Noticeable Exhaust Odors
The reason why you can smell exhaust is that it is being pushed into the passenger cabin. Again, when the engine is filled with exhaust, it is easy for it to get blown through the vents via the ventilation system. You shouldn’t drive your automobile if you can smell the exhaust. This is dangerous to your health.
Hissing or Tapping Sounds
All of the above may or may not be accompanied by hissing or tapping sounds coming from the engine. When the exhaust leaks out of the manifold or its gasket, it can hiss or tap. The best time to listen for the sound is when you first fire up your automobile.
Finally, Oxford Automotive in Oxford, PA, advises that you may end up with an illuminated check engine light on the dashboard because of all of the problems we have discussed in this blog post. Unfortunately, the light will remain on until we replace the exhaust manifold or gasket to repair the leak.