Have you ever stopped to think about how much time you actually spend in your car? The chances are that it is multiple times a day. With something you rely on that much, doesn’t it make sense to give it the best care possible? Whether you drive a domestic or foreign vehicle, it is important to have a mechanic you can trust in your corner. But what exactly should you look for in a mechanic?
Do They Put the Customer First?
Auto repair is a business that is dependent on the satisfaction of its customers. People want to know that their mechanic is going to put their best interest and safety before making a quick buck. At Oxford Automotive we pride ourselves on the level of honest, dependable service that we deliver to every customer who visits our shop. We want you to know that we are the mechanic who truly cares about you and your vehicle.
Do They Have the Experience and Expertise?
Modern auto repair and service takes extensive training to master. This is why it is so important to choose an auto repair shop that only employs the best and brightest mechanics and technicians. The team at Oxford Automotive is made up of the most talented mechanics and technicians in the Oxford area. And we don’t stop there. Our entire staff makes it a priority to continue their automotive education so we can always remain ahead of the curve.
Do They Have a State of the Art Repair Facility?
Even the top automotive experts need the proper equipment and tools to successfully work on modern-day vehicles. It is also important that your mechanic only uses top quality parts and supplies in their service and repair work. Oxford Automotive offers a state of the art repair facility that is equipped to handle everything from oil changes to alignments to transmission repair.
What Do Your Friends and Neighbors Have to Say?
The best way to learn about the reputation of a mechanic is by seeing what their customers have to say. And with modern technology, it is easier than ever to get a feel for what a mechanic is all about. From Google reviews to Yelp to social media, there is a wealth of reviews at your fingertips.
If you are looking for an Oxford mechanic that checks all the boxes, Oxford Automotive is here for you. Call us today to schedule your next auto service or repair appointment.